Cancellation Policy



Cancellation Policy for

At, we understand that circumstances may arise where you need to cancel your order. We strive to make this process as straightforward as possible. Please review our cancellation policy below to understand your rights and responsibilities:

1. Order Cancellation Window:

  • Orders can be canceled within 48 hours of purchase. After this time, the order may have already been processed and cannot be canceled.

2. How to Request a Cancellation:

  • To cancel an order, please contact our customer support team at [customer support email] as soon as possible.
  • Provide your order number and a brief reason for cancellation.

3. Cancellation Process:

  • If the order is canceled within the specified timeframe, we will process a full refund to your original method of payment.
  • Refunds may take [X] business days to reflect in your account, depending on your payment provider.

4. Partial Cancellations:

  • In some cases, partial cancellations may be possible. Please contact our customer support team to discuss your specific situation.

5. Cancellation After Shipment:

  • If the order has already been shipped, it cannot be canceled. In such cases, you may initiate a return upon receiving the item.

6. Changes to Orders:

  • Once an order is placed, changes (e.g., size, color) cannot be guaranteed. Contact us as soon as possible if you need to make any modifications.

7. Contact Information:

  • If you have any questions about our cancellation policy, please contact us at [customer support email] or [customer support phone number].

8. Governing Law:

  • This cancellation policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [your jurisdiction].

9. Updates to the Cancellation Policy:

  • We reserve the right to update our cancellation policy at any time. Changes will be effective immediately and will be communicated to customers through our website.

Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our cancellation policy.

Shop no.38, Ajanta Square, Market Rd, Sundar Nagar, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092
